Cate Nimanya

Regional Director for Africa at Water For People

Cate Nimanya

Cate is leading the charge in addressing climate change and its impact on water and sanitation services. The organization's mission is to close the global coverage gap of these services, which are increasingly threatened by climate change. They use a systems-strengthening approach, layering on climate risks and adaptations to strengthen the entire system. Water For People is also addressing financial challenges at global, national, and local levels, advocating for fair distribution of climate financing.

Cate emphasizes the need for urgency without resorting to quick fixes, prioritizing sustainable services and considering the broader freshwater ecosystem. In Uganda, the organization is rehabilitating wetlands near drinking water wells to manage groundwater fluctuation. This nature-based solution is seen as the most sustainable and cost-effective way to secure water resources. This work goes beyond infrastructure, involving collaboration with local ministries and focusing on long-term, sustainable solutions.
